„Rette die, die unschuldig zum Tode verurteilt wurden; sieh nicht untätig zu, wie sie sterben.“ (Sprüche 24:11/NLB)

Donnerstag, 8. November 2018

Aus dem Gefängnis - Asia Bibi

Letzte Berichte erklären, dass Asia Bibi aus dem Gefängnis in Multan (Punjab) an einen „unbekannten“ Ort innerhalb Pakistans gebracht worden sei.

Neue und weitere Unruhen sind jetzt in Pakistan zu befürcheten. Die radikal-islamische TLP Partei, die Bibis Hinrichtung fordert und vor Tagen ein Abkommen mit der Regierung geschlossen hatte, wirft dieser jetzt Wortbruch vor und will das weitere Vorgehen beraten.

Während der pakistanische Außenminister, Mohammad Faisal, behauptet, Bibi befinde sich immer noch im Land, erklärt ihr Anwalt, Saif-ul-Malook, dass sie sich bereits an einem unbekannten Ort außer Landes befindet. Der niederländische Außenminister nahm Stellung, indem er behauptete, Bibi sei freigelassen und auf dem Weg nach Europa.

Welche dieser Informationen zutrifft, ist momentan noch völlig offen. Sicher scheint, dass sie mittlerweile nicht mehr im Gefängnis gehalten wird.

Haltet an am Gebet!
The Dutch foreign ministry has declined to comment on reports that Asia Bibi, the Christian Pakistani woman acquitted on blasphemy charges has been released and is heading for the Netherlands. Various reports say Bibi may have left Pakistan for the Netherlands, which was reached by her lawyer earlier this week. ChristenUnie MP Joel Voordewind has told Dutch media he is sure Bibi is heading for Europe but could not confirm that the Netherlands is her end destination. He bases his claim on sources in Pakistan and on conversations with her lawyer Saif ul-Mulook.

Read more at DutchNews.nl:
The Dutch foreign ministry has declined to comment on reports that Asia Bibi, the Christian Pakistani woman acquitted on blasphemy charges has been released and is heading for the Netherlands. Various reports say Bibi may have left Pakistan for the Netherlands, which was reached by her lawyer earlier this week. ChristenUnie MP Joel Voordewind has told Dutch media he is sure Bibi is heading for Europe but could not confirm that the Netherlands is her end destination. He bases his claim on sources in Pakistan and on conversations with her lawyer Saif ul-Mulook.

Read more at DutchNews.nl:
The Dutch foreign ministry has declined to comment on reports that Asia Bibi, the Christian Pakistani woman acquitted on blasphemy charges has been released and is heading for the Netherlands. Various reports say Bibi may have left Pakistan for the Netherlands, which was reached by her lawyer earlier this week. ChristenUnie MP Joel Voordewind has told Dutch media he is sure Bibi is heading for Europe but could not confirm that the Netherlands is her end destination. He bases his claim on sources in Pakistan and on conversations with her lawyer Saif ul-Mulook.

Read more at DutchNews.nl:

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