„Rette die, die unschuldig zum Tode verurteilt wurden; sieh nicht untätig zu, wie sie sterben.“ (Sprüche 24:11/NLB)

Interessante Artikel zu verschiedenen Themen

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Asylanten / Fremdlinge - Open Doors Stellungnahme zur aktuellen Flüchtlingskriese

Sex&Porno - Zeugnis über Befreiung aus der Falle (Charles)
Sex&Porno - Zeugnis über Befreiung aus der Falle (Shelley)
Sexualität - Handreichung für Gemeinden zum Thema Konversionstherapie

Gemeinde - Wann ist es Zeit, eine Gemeinde zu verlassen?

Corona - Wilfried Plock, M. Swart: Ziviler Ungehorsam aus Treue zum Herrn?
Corona - Martin Swart: "as (jetzt) nicht unser Auftrag ist - als Christen in Corona Zeiten
Corona - Bibelbund: Jesus im Mittelpunkt behalten - trotz Corona
Corona - Wolfgang Jung: Sind Christen Corona resistent? - Gedanken zu Psalm 91

Corona - Andy Stanley's response to John MacArthur about closing church temporarily  
Corona - Interview mit Michael Kotsch: Corona und Gemeinde
Corona - Roger Liebi: Singverbot & Obrigkeit

Mission - Der große und der größte Auftrag Gottes


Megachurches - Is There Really a Perfect Size for a Church?

Christian Life - Christianity Without Repentance Isn't Christianity
Christian Life - 12 Keys To Recover From Burnout
Christian Life - How can you forgive difficult people?
Christian Life - He’s My #@*!-ing Pastor!
Christian Life - Christians and depression
Christian Life - Suicide isn't always a decision
Christian Life - 4 myths Christians should stop believing about depression
Christian Life - Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough
Christian Life - 10 insights on how to recover from burnout
Christian Life - Examples of Mental Anguish and Depression in the Bible

Christmas - Incarnation

Church - Greg Laurie: 4 Dangerous Church Growth Myths
Church - H.B. Charles, Jr: "When it's time to leave a church" (valid and invalid reasons)
Church - Carey Nieuwhof: 5 ways judgemental Christians are killing your church
Church - 5 reasons pastors get depressed (and why they don’t talk about it)
Church - 11 Secrets Your Pastor is Keeping From You
Church - 21 Things You Might Not Know About Your Pastor & Family
Church - Should we drink coffee in church? (On coffee sipping in the sanctuary)

Depression - Douglas Groothuis: Fire In My Bones
Depression - 11 Reasons Spurgeon Was Depressed
Depression - An open letter to those suffering from depression
Depression - What I learned in my season of depression
Depression - Did You Know That Charles Spurgeon Struggled with Depression?

Depression - Suicide and the Church

Deconstruction - Skillet’s John Cooper on Deconstructionalism 

Missions - Floyd McClung - Apostolic Passion

Pastors - Bob Ditmer: Criticism: A Pastor’s All-too-Common Companion (`John Macarthur)
Pastors - Joshua Pease: Before the Chariot of Fire, Elijah Burned Out
Pastors - 5 reasons pastors get depressed (and why they don’t talk about it)
Pastors - 11 Secrets Your Pastor is Keeping From You
Pastors - 11 Pains of Being a Pastor 
Pastors - Philip Wagner: The Secret Pain of Pastors

Prayer - How I learned I was praying wrong
Prayer - Pride Is What Is Stopping You From Prayer (David Platt)

Sex&Porn: "Why I am not reading Fifty Shades of Grey" (nor watching)

Worship - The secret that keeps men from singing in worship
Worship - Seeing the impossible happen
Worship - Have Christians stopped singing?
Worship - Worship is about Christ, not impressing crowds
Worship - Why they stopped singing on sunday
Worship - Worseship - Erbarmen mit der Gemeinde!
Worship - 13-things-pastors-wish-their-worship-leaders-knew
Worship - Conditional Worship
Worship - Do you love God more than Worship?
Worship - Singing Songs From Questionable Sources
Worship - Are we worshipping Worship songs?
Worship - The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members
Worship -  Why Some Worship Leaders Should Just Quit
Worship - The Most Important Quality of an Effective Worship Leader
Worship - Freedom In Worship - What Does It Mean?

Teens - 10 Conversations I Wish Someone Had With Me as a Teenager

Theology - Greg Laurie: Hell is not a joke
Theology - Tommy Clayton: The Truth About Hell
Theology - Incarnation / Christmas