„Leiden ist besser als Sündigen. Ein Tropfen Sünde birgt mehr Übel als ein Meer aus Leid. Es ist besser, für Christus zu brennen, als sich von ihm zu trennen.“ (Charles H. Spurgeon)

Interessante Artikel zu verschiedenen Themen

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Asylanten / Fremdlinge - Open Doors Stellungnahme zur aktuellen Flüchtlingskriese

Sex&Porno - Zeugnis über Befreiung aus der Falle (Charles)
Sex&Porno - Zeugnis über Befreiung aus der Falle (Shelley)
Sexualität - Handreichung für Gemeinden zum Thema Konversionstherapie

Gemeinde - Wann ist es Zeit, eine Gemeinde zu verlassen?

Corona - Wilfried Plock, M. Swart: Ziviler Ungehorsam aus Treue zum Herrn?
Corona - Martin Swart: "as (jetzt) nicht unser Auftrag ist - als Christen in Corona Zeiten
Corona - Bibelbund: Jesus im Mittelpunkt behalten - trotz Corona
Corona - Wolfgang Jung: Sind Christen Corona resistent? - Gedanken zu Psalm 91

Corona - Andy Stanley's response to John MacArthur about closing church temporarily  
Corona - Interview mit Michael Kotsch: Corona und Gemeinde
Corona - Roger Liebi: Singverbot & Obrigkeit

Mission - Der große und der größte Auftrag Gottes


Megachurches - Is There Really a Perfect Size for a Church?

Christian Life - Christianity Without Repentance Isn't Christianity
Christian Life - 12 Keys To Recover From Burnout
Christian Life - How can you forgive difficult people?
Christian Life - He’s My #@*!-ing Pastor!
Christian Life - Christians and depression
Christian Life - Suicide isn't always a decision
Christian Life - 4 myths Christians should stop believing about depression
Christian Life - Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough
Christian Life - 10 insights on how to recover from burnout
Christian Life - Examples of Mental Anguish and Depression in the Bible

Christmas - Incarnation

Church - Greg Laurie: 4 Dangerous Church Growth Myths
Church - H.B. Charles, Jr: "When it's time to leave a church" (valid and invalid reasons)
Church - Carey Nieuwhof: 5 ways judgemental Christians are killing your church
Church - 5 reasons pastors get depressed (and why they don’t talk about it)
Church - 11 Secrets Your Pastor is Keeping From You
Church - 21 Things You Might Not Know About Your Pastor & Family
Church - Should we drink coffee in church? (On coffee sipping in the sanctuary)

Depression - Douglas Groothuis: Fire In My Bones
Depression - 11 Reasons Spurgeon Was Depressed
Depression - An open letter to those suffering from depression
Depression - What I learned in my season of depression
Depression - Did You Know That Charles Spurgeon Struggled with Depression?

Depression - Suicide and the Church

Deconstruction - Skillet’s John Cooper on Deconstructionalism 

Missions - Floyd McClung - Apostolic Passion

Pastors - Bob Ditmer: Criticism: A Pastor’s All-too-Common Companion (`John Macarthur)
Pastors - Joshua Pease: Before the Chariot of Fire, Elijah Burned Out
Pastors - 5 reasons pastors get depressed (and why they don’t talk about it)
Pastors - 11 Secrets Your Pastor is Keeping From You
Pastors - 11 Pains of Being a Pastor 
Pastors - Philip Wagner: The Secret Pain of Pastors

Prayer - How I learned I was praying wrong
Prayer - Pride Is What Is Stopping You From Prayer (David Platt)

Sex&Porn: "Why I am not reading Fifty Shades of Grey" (nor watching)

Worship - The secret that keeps men from singing in worship
Worship - Seeing the impossible happen
Worship - Have Christians stopped singing?
Worship - Worship is about Christ, not impressing crowds
Worship - Why they stopped singing on sunday
Worship - Worseship - Erbarmen mit der Gemeinde!
Worship - 13-things-pastors-wish-their-worship-leaders-knew
Worship - Conditional Worship
Worship - Do you love God more than Worship?
Worship - Singing Songs From Questionable Sources
Worship - Are we worshipping Worship songs?
Worship - The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members
Worship -  Why Some Worship Leaders Should Just Quit
Worship - The Most Important Quality of an Effective Worship Leader
Worship - Freedom In Worship - What Does It Mean?

Teens - 10 Conversations I Wish Someone Had With Me as a Teenager

Theology - Greg Laurie: Hell is not a joke
Theology - Tommy Clayton: The Truth About Hell
Theology - Incarnation / Christmas